вторник, 15 февраля 2011 г.

HeR FiRst EvEr!!!!!!

              Journey of 10yr gal, when she started understanding the difference between sexes and that 2 opposite sex attract (with normal limbic system)! She was in 3rd grade when she first found out, yeah she is normal and she finds a boy attractive! Being a true Libran she always went for looks first then the inner person. Actually that liking for the guy was for few days, he was in her elder bro's grade! As she grew up she had many small crushes on passer-by’s,as she was matured she understood there should be a limit to it... But though she had liking for a guy, she couldn’t drag it further as she was a big time coward ,though she has changed now! In her 7th grade with the company of her sweet, sexy the most complicated gal she has met her life,ADITI !!! They used to visit the D-mart medical store just to look at the handsome guy working there...  Coincidentally once her momma asked her to get a medicine, she went there along with Aditi and the same guy showed up... With her heart pumping twice the normal rate, her mixed feeling, she asked him for the medicine... both idiots used to find that guy handsome!!! He brought the medicine, and he said "hey u have a cute smile, I’m Raj ,engineering student, will you be my friend"...the pace at which she ran out of the D-mart store was what those idiots still laugh at!! That was the last day they ever saw him in d-mart...it was all puzzled...they didn’t ever see him again, don’t know why he left his job...may be it was his part time job in summer vacation ...they just kept guessing!!!                                                                                                      
             The most interesting guy in her 18 yrs. is RAHUL!! Dark,tall,kind-of handsome … the heart rob of the school and the one who lived in their complex! She used to see him studying in his bedroom,from the garden area. She was introduced to him by her cousin who was his classmate unfortunately or you can even say luckily!! :p She is still clueless as to what attracted her towards him!!! He was what she always wanted she thought then!! They used to study in the same school and used to be in the same school bus ,he was just one yr. senior to her!! Once while going back from school in bus no.23...he was given stare (the STD game) and she was the girl he had to stare at...she was demanded by the him "hey, remove your kal ho na ho specs for few secs"she did'nt listen to him at 1st, so he removed her glasses off her nose.....and that was her first 3min long stare she has had yet!! <3 Later putting on his school bag on his left shoulder he said," you are saurabh’s cousin, Right?? don’t mind...I'm sorry for the stare! Bdw what is your name?..She replied "Sara"...and with his hands he placed her specs on her nose! As years passed her love for him grew deeper and deeper! Sara used to tell the stuffs that she used to admire in him to none other than ADITI!! Guess what, because of her Aditi started liking Sara's first ever CRUSH. It was a love triangle formed in their colony! Two best friends with same crush!! Aditi being very beautiful... when Rahul came to know about her feelings. He asked her to be his friend! Sara broke!! But Aditi stopped liking him the very next day!! And on the other hand entire secondary section students teased Rahul with Sara's name and vice versa...neway that were immature stuffs which had acted as the spice in the entire tiring school hours! The first bad word sara ever learned was also due to Rahul! She had asked his friend whether he liked Aditi or no through a note?? When he heard about this he walked up to her in the lunch-break and he tore the paper into pieces on which she questioned, and threw them on her face and said FUCK OFF... that moment she shed her 1st teardrops being a guy as the reason! She was very sad that day, first thing she did as she reached home was opened the dictionary without removing her shoe buckles and finding the meaning of fuck off...it means either get lost or make love! Sara was shattered!! Neway she never wanted to see his face again!! But when he heard that she cried, the very next day he again came up to her and this time it was the word among 3 golden words! "SORRY...for BEING SO RUDE... I Was PISSD OFF...neway Tc bye"...and the bell rang...and as expected...Sara was back into him!!! This incident happened in her 8th grade. Calender's pages turned over with her studies! But as she can’t have a simple but always complicated life! On Saturday,her mommu was home, she asked her to check her drawers if she had any of her imp stuffs in there!! She did check it before going to school but didn’t find any!! On Returning from school within 4 hrs, being half day. Her mommu opened the door she was holding the Ganesh’s book (holy) reading the stotra and simultaneously tears rolling down her cheeks! It sounded fishy, and Sara didn’t guess it wrong!! Her mom got to know about her first ever crush Rahul ...anyway it was over, after her explanation on 'why not to have crushes'...it’s DISTRACTION...it’s BAD...NOT GOOD AND STUDIOUS GIRLS JOB! After this Sara was closer, rather open about her secrets in life with her mommu, may be it was because, it was only the two of them under one shelter,her Brother being in IIT hostel and her father transferred to next state!! Well later on in her tenth grade...she was over him well it was for time being, but still 10th taught her to get over her 4ys long immature crush!!! It also made her realize that there is a difference between a crush and actual love!!                                                         
             Finally crushes are part and parcel of every normal limbic system of human,and that of those growing up innocent ages and not what parents call them, as empty-minded children ka kaam!! Well those immature ages were so fun!! And now it has been lost somewhere...now there should be sense in every action!! Even I miss my stupidity,and those early teenage years,it was fun!!!                            
             When an early teenage girl realizes her first ever crush on someone it is a very innocent feeling....she starts thinking that this is the guy!!...people say love at first sight.. and she starts relating her crush-story to every other ekta kapoor or twight love story..but somewhere down this stupidity...every girl experiences sumthg or the other!!! and when she is over her teenage years..when she looks back, remembering her first ever crush...she surely laughs..at her stupidity,kiddish mentality,innocence!!!... Finally CRUSHES bring a sweet smile on her face when she looks back!!!

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